Psychotherapie Innsbruck

Psychotherapie Innsbruck

Supporting people a bit of their way is my concern, my enthusiasm, my joy and my activity.

This is done with the help of the psychotherapeutic discussions that take place in practice.

Psychotherapeutic talks are usually single talks.

Sometimes, however, it is important for the partner to have an open conversation with the partner. Therefore, I also offer couple counseling. Pair discussions are often necessary, because one can no longer understand each other and make them understandable. Everyone is so arrested in his own world, his own views that it is difficult to perceive and understand the others at times.

The practice provides you with a safe and secure space by just walking around you. There are no expectations for you. They are allowed to discover themselves, to get to know, to let go, to whine and to complain …. Whatever is there at the moment, can be and be experienced.

As a psychotherapist, I am subject to the obligation of secrecy and everything that happens and is discussed in this space between us remains in this room.

An initial meeting is then used to get to know each other and to check whether accompanying support would be beneficial for you.
If you are interested, please feel free to contact me.


Webkatalog Informationen

Kategorie: Medizin & Gesundheit
Eingetragen am: 23.02.2017
Keywords: Psychotherapie Innsbruck

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